Great Haywood Marina welcomes shared ownership boats

Great Haywood Marina

on the Trent & Mersey Canal

  • PUMPOUT: Full pumpout service on turnround days, otherwise self-service
  • MOORING ARRANGEMENTS: Dedicated berths
  • MOORING FEE (60ft boat): £2,600
  • TURNROUND DAYS: Friday, Saturday
  • EXTRA FACILITIES: Chandlery. Farm shop at entrance

Great Haywood and Tattenhall are operated by the same company - Lakeland Leisure. Both marinas offer the same service and facility with regard to engineering and back up and are both attractive sites in their own right. Great Haywood is conveniently situated near the junction of the Trent & Mersey canal with The Staffs & Worcester canal, offering a choice of routes on the door step. Lakeland Leisure operate a number of caravan sites and offer a discount on those to moorers at either of their marinas.

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Shared ownership narrowboats currently thought to be moored at Great Haywood Marina

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Click your boat's name to send us an update

Last database update on Sunday, 9th February 2025

Name Len Stern Layout Shares Berths Bkg Engine Repl Loos Mgmt Launch Web
Avington58S/Trad<S D G B Z E )126ListBeta 4320142BCBM2002
Aylestone58S/Trad<S D G B Z E )126ListNanni 2.22SELF2006
Broadsword62S/Trad<S D G B E Z )12.56DrawNanni2BCBM2002
Centurion62S/Trad<S D G B E Z )12.56DrawNanni2SELF2003
Cookley58Cruiser<Z E B G D S )96ListBeta 4320212SELF2003
Empire62S/Trad<S D G B E Z )126ListNanni 42 hp2SELF2005
Emscote58Cruiser<Z E B G D S )106ListBMC 1.82SELF2000
Enterprise62S/Trad<S D G B E Z )12.56DrawNanni2BCBM2005
Explorer62S/Trad<S D G B E Z )86DrawNanni2SELF2004
First Dawn61S/Trad<S G D B Z )15.56ListShire 4020111BCBM2010
Haversham58S/Trad<S D G B Z E )126ListBMC 1.82SELF2000
Hawksmoor58S/Trad<S D G B Z E )126ListBeta 432SELF2005
Longsdon58S/Trad<S E Z B D G )126ListNanni HD2SELF2009
Marbury59S/Trad<S D G B Z E )126ListNanni 4.432SELF2007
Odyssey70Trad<B S D G Z N B Z )128ListNanni 2.22SELF1995Yes
Shelton58S/Trad<S D G B Z E )124ListNanni N4-43HD2BCBM2009
Shropshire Blue57S/Trad<S D G B Z )126ListIsuzu2010SELF2002
Sojourn58S/Trad<S G B Z Z E )127ListIsuzu2BCBM1993
Solace.58S/Trad<J G B Z Z E )127ListNanni 1.520172SELF1993
Steelaway58S/Trad<S D G B Z E )126ListNanni 2.220062SELF1996
Stella47Cruiser<Z B G S )104ListBeta 3820151SELF1994
Sunseeker58S/Trad<S D G B Z E )56ListBMC 1.820072SELF1996
Swallowtail58S/Trad<S D G B Z E )64ListCanaline 4220152SELF2004

Moorings for shared ownership boats will depend on availability of space at the time of an enquiry.

We realise that many other bases will also welcome shared ownership boats, so please let us know of any that should be included here. We would also welcome any updates to the information shown or any suggestions for adding to it.

Please email any suggestions to Andrew.

Boatshare - the shared ownership of a narrowboat - is a cost effective way of enjoying a narrow boat holiday cruising the canals. For around the price of a week's narrowboat hire, you can own a share of a quality narrowboat and cruise for three or more weeks each year. Shared ownership means shared costs. If you own a twelfthshare in a narrowboat, then you pay only a twelfth of the cost of maintaining the narrowboat. Narrowboat boatshare has been growing in popularity for more than 20 years. There are now more than 200 shared ownership narrowboats on the English and Welsh canals. Buying a narrowboat boat share can cost from around £2,500 to £10,000 for a twelfth or 8% share. Boatshare is not timeshare. The boat is owned by a syndicate, and the syndicate has arrangements for choosing weeks on board the narrowboat. Narrowboats are sometimes incorrectly called barges. Canal cruising holidays are one of the best ways to slow down and relax, while enjoying the English and Welsh countryside and its wildlife as well as seeing a significant part of Britain's industrial heritage. Boatshare of a narrowboat means that you own a share of the boat and it is yours for as long as you wnat to keep it. You can offer your narrowboat share whenever you choose to do so. This site provides independent information about narrowboat boatshare and what is involved in shared ownership of a narrowboat. The site also provides links to sites that have narrowboat boatshare shares for sale. If you see this text about shared ownership of narrowboats, your browser either doesn't support frames or the support it has is disabled. Modern browsers all support frames so you should be able to see the information about narrowboat boat share as intended.