Shares on offer in boats
at the National Boat Share Show

Shares available in boats at

the National Boat Share Show

A range of boats will be on view at the

National Boat Share Show at

Dunchurch Pools Marina on 18th and 19th April.

This page lists all the shares available in the boats

already booked in, so it's the ideal place

to get a head start in your search for the perfect share.

If you're coming to the Show do come and see us

on the Welcome Desk and pick up your free show guide. does not offer shares for sale or receive payment for including shares in this list which is provided to help prospective owners find a narrowboat share that would suit their needs.

These companies do offer shares for sale and

the management companies will also have stands at the show

Boat layouts are shown as, for example, <S D G B Z E )

This represents, starting from the bow on the left:

S-Saloon, D-Dinette, G-Galley, B-Bathroom, Z-Bedroom, E-En suite

z-Pull-out bed, N-Engine room, C-Boatman's cabin

A reminder of what each block represents is shown when the cursor is held over the block

The list onmost days to reflect the latest changes in what each website has on offer.

The list can be sorted by clicking on any of the column headings (except the photo).

For full details of a boat, click its name or thumbnail photo.

To contact the company offering the share, click the company logo.

To sort the list, click a column heading (except the photo).

Photo Name Price Half
Lgth Layout Stern Bths New Management
& offer
Pets Smkg
Harmonia8% share
NoNo65ft<S D G E B Z )S/Trad62013YesNo
Harmonia8% share
NoNo65ft<S D G E B Z )S/Trad62013YesNo
Hera8% share
NoNo62ft<Z B D E S G )S/Trad62012YesNo
Invincible8% share
NoNo62ft<S D G B E Z )S/Trad62007YesNo
Invincible8% share
NoNo62ft<S D G B E Z )S/Trad62007YesNo
Isis8% share
NoNo62ft<S D G E B Z )S/Trad62010YesNo
Isis8% share
NoNo62ft<S D G E B Z )S/Trad62010YesNo
Lilaea1/24th red school holiday share
YesYes58ft<Z B G D S )S/Trad62015YesNo
Lilaea1/12th yellow share
NoNo58ft<Z B G D S )S/Trad62015YesNo
New Bespoke Boat 20251/12th share
NoNo60ft<Z B S D G )Cruiser62025YesNo
Oakmere8% special share
NoYes59ft<z S G B N C )Trad42011YesNo
Oakmere4% share
YesNo59ft<z S G B N C )Trad42011YesNo
Phoenix8% share
NoNo66ft<S G D B Z )S/Trad62008YesNo
Phoenix8% share
NoNo66ft<S G D B Z )S/Trad62008YesNo
Phoenix8% share
NoNo66ft<S G D B Z )S/Trad62008YesNo
Rowington1/12th share
NoNo58ft<S E Z B D G )S/Trad62000YesNo
Rowington1/12th share
NoNo58ft<S E Z B D G )S/Trad62000YesNo
Rowington1/6th share
NoNo58ft<S E Z B D G )S/Trad62000YesNo
Serenade1/12th share
NoNo58ft<S D G B Z E )S/Trad61994YesNo
Shadow1/10th share
NoNo58ft<S D G B Z E )S/Trad61995YesNo
Shadow1/10th share
NoNo58ft<S D G B Z E )S/Trad61995YesNo
Shadow1/10th share
NoNo58ft<S D G B Z E )S/Trad61995YesNo
Shelton1/12th share
NoNo58ft<S D G B Z E )S/Trad42009YesNo
Shelton1/12th share
NoNo58ft<S D G B Z E )S/Trad42009YesNo
Silhouette1/24th red school holiday share
NoYes58ft<Z B G D S )S/Trad62022YesNo
Sojourn1/24th share
YesNo58ft<S G B Z Z E )S/Trad71993YesNo
Sojourn1/12th share
NoNo58ft<S G B Z Z E )S/Trad71993YesNo
Soudley1/8th share
NoNo59ft<S E Z B G S )S/Trad62005YesNo
Spellbound1/12th share
NoNo58ft<S D G B Z E )S/Trad61997YesNo
Spellbound1/12th share
NoNo58ft<S D G B Z E )S/Trad61997YesNo
Sundowner1/12th share
NoNo58ft<S D G B Z E )S/Trad61999YesNo
Swallow1/20th share
YesNo58ft<S D G B Z E )S/Trad61994YesNo
Valkyrie8% share
NoNo60ft<S D G B Z )S/Trad62001YesNo
Valkyrie8% share
NoNo60ft<S D G B Z )S/Trad62001YesNo
Valkyrie8% share
NoNo60ft<S D G B Z )S/Trad62001YesNo
Viceroy8% share
NoNo60ft<S D G B Z )S/Trad61999YesNo
Viceroy8% share
NoNo60ft<S D G B Z )S/Trad61999YesNo
Willow1/12th yellow share
NoNo58ft<S D G B Z )S/Trad62004YesNo
Winding Down1/12th red share
NoNo58ft<S D G B Z )S/Trad62009NoNo
Winding Down1/12th yellow share
NoNo58ft<S D G B Z )S/Trad62009NoNo

Boatshare - the shared ownership of a narrowboat - is a cost effective way of enjoying a narrow boat holiday cruising the canals. For around the price of a week's narrowboat hire, you can own a share of a quality narrowboat and cruise for three or more weeks each year. Shared ownership means shared costs. If you own a twelfthshare in a narrowboat, then you pay only a twelfth of the cost of maintaining the narrowboat. Narrowboat boatshare has been growing in popularity for more than 20 years. There are now more than 200 shared ownership narrowboats on the English and Welsh canals. Buying a narrowboat boat share can cost from around £2,500 to £10,000 for a twelfth or 8% share. Boatshare is not timeshare. The boat is owned by a syndicate, and the syndicate has arrangements for choosing weeks on board the narrowboat. Narrowboats are sometimes incorrectly called barges. Canal cruising holidays are one of the best ways to slow down and relax, while enjoying the English and Welsh countryside and its wildlife as well as seeing a significant part of Britain's industrial heritage. Boatshare of a narrowboat means that you own a share of the boat and it is yours for as long as you wnat to keep it. You can offer your narrowboat share whenever you choose to do so. This site provides independent information about narrowboat boatshare and what is involved in shared ownership of a narrowboat. The site also provides links to sites that have narrowboat boatshare shares for sale. If you see this text about shared ownership of narrowboats, your browser either doesn't support frames or the support it has is disabled. Modern browsers all support frames so you should be able to see the information about narrowboat boat share as intended.